If you are a client receiving services from a worker through their intermediary then you have more time to prepare for the planned changes to IR35, which were due to come into force in April 2020. The Off-Payroll Working Rules in respect of the private sector have been deferred until 6th April 2021.
From 6th April 2021 it will be you as the client who bears the responsibility to make an assessment of the working relationship between the client and the individual worker to determine that if there was no intermediary would the status of the worker would be that of an employee of a self-employed individual for tax purposes.
If the status of the individual is deemed to be that of an employee then you as the client would be compelled to make payroll and NIC deductions in addition to meeting employer NIC.
‘Status Determination Statement’ (SDS)
Under the new off-payroll rules you will be required to issue a SDS before any payments are made after the 6th April 2021 or any services are provided. Failure to comply and issue a SDS in respect of the individual could leave you as the client picking up the tab for payroll and NIC deductions as a direct result.
Check Employment Status for Tax (CEST)
HMRC have updated their Check Employment Status for Tax (CEST) tool, which subject to no manipulation in order to achieve a favourable outcome, HMRC has agreed to be bound by such a determination. CEST is HMRC’s own online questionnaire from which you as an end client can determine the IR35 status of an individual.
Central to a CEST determination will amongst a number of factors be whether an individual has an unfettered right of substitution and the level of mutuality of obligation between the parties.
A SDS needs to be made in writing, provide reasons for the decision and be carried out using ‘Reasonable Care’. If Reasonable Care isn’t used during their decision-making process, the responsibility for deducting tax and NICs will remain with you as the end client.
So, what is ‘Reasonable Care’?
HMRC have recently published guidance which contains examples of behaviours that would indicate ‘Reasonable Care’ has been taken, which includes:
As the guidance states the major shift in the legislation is that: The responsibility for deducting tax and National Insurance is yours until you tell the worker and the person or organisation you contract with of your determination and the reasons for it. If the working practices of the engagement change or you negotiate a new contract with the worker, you need to make sure that you re-check the rules to see if they still apply. An engagement is the specific contract or piece of work that a worker is undertaking. For each engagement, whether the off-payroll working rules apply is determined by the terms and conditions and working practices.
We hope you have found this note useful, if you need advice relating to the IR35 or any aspect of employment law, please get in touch.
Marie Walsh
Director, Employment Solicitor and Mediator
Direct Dial 0113 8874670
Mobile 07736252681
Reception: 0113 3229222
Address: 4 Park Place, Leeds LS1 2RU
Victoria Horner
Senior Associate
Direct Dial: 01138874673
Andy Boyde
Employment Solicitor
Direct Dial: 0113 323 0346 Mobile: 07595 520 508
Emma Cartlidge
Employment Solicitor
Direct Dial: 0113 8874674
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